Friday, September 18, 2009

Take me out to the ball game...

This is a very true sign... So the story goes like this... We headed to the new home of the Yanks for a game in the beginning of the summer- sorry my post are very delayed- and we were planning to buy tickets when we got there off the streets- well long story short this group of scalpers/thieves sold us 4 or 5 sets of tickets that each did not work when we got to the gate. We were furious. I stayed out of it because William and Christian had it under control- Christian got in the gate somehow and left us with the scary guys- now I thought Christian was the mean one of us and could talk to these guys, but no, he went in the game. Then that left Will and me. I was furious and just wanted to get in the game. We had been ripped off for 5 tickets too many times. I went to the group of scary men and started the tears- angry tears and making a huge scene- people started looking and they whipped out our cash quick to try to get me to hush. I was a little proud of myself and thought I should share it. I think Will was shocked. He may have even been a little embarrassed, but we got in the game.

What a great night for a ball game. Everything was perfect. It was so beautiful and I couldn't get enough of the stadium. Rachael and Jeff joined us as well. The new stadium is really nice, not as much character as you might imagine for the Yanks, but very nice. Great night!!

I really love this pic because we are both straight from work- Will is totally the guy in the suit with a ball cap kind of guy. Love it.

We took Christian to our favorite park by our house. It has a beautiful fountain and arch. In case anyone doesn't know- These two have been best friends since they were five.
Thanks for coming to see us Christian.

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