Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Schools out for a snow day- So we headed to Central Park after making Valentines Chocolates and watching the snowstorm from inside. We just had to get out and enjoy the weather! I was a little nervous about going, but it was a blast! The boys loved it. We had to find a ramp to sled on to keep everyone entertained, but I could have done it all day. I just hope the snow stays until this weekend so Will can come with. I worked late tonight so Will came to tell the boys a bedtime story- tonight it was the history of the Red Sox and Yankee rivalry. It was hilarious how in tune the boys are when he is talking to them. Love my husband and my job. Blessings. My friend Young was the mastermind to hit the park- Great idea.

I want to build an igloo to stay right here for a while.
Previous snow day getting pelted by Marcus
Luca lost 4 teeth in a matter of days!!

Central Park is one of the best features of NYC. I love this place. So much. I am sad I am not there right now. Its so pretty. ahhhh......

1 comment:

Tracy E said...

Amanda, This is Megan's mom. I love to read your blog when I get a chance. Cute kids! I bet the parents feel lucky to have you! I heard today is your birthday and wanted to wish you a great one! I'm so glad Megan had you as such a kind and good friend in her time at college. As you mean a lot to her, you mean a lot to us. Hope you and Will continue to enjoy life in New York. Looks like a blast.