Friday, February 12, 2010

23 is a big number.

Today is my 23rd Birthday and I HAVE THE DAY OFF!!!! I am very excited about this, but I am having a hard time getting going today because I have a lot on my mind about this new year for me. I keep watching Seinfeld episodes and thinking about how they always share their random seemingly useless thoughts with each other so I decided to see what happens when I spill my beans of thoughts. . .
23 things thoughts I have on my mind
1. Be prepared before the time for decisions arises- Thomas S. Monson
2. Friendship is bringing a tennis ball and ibuprofen l to church
because I mentioned my back was bothering me
3. Work is hearing your boss say thank you and know that she means it
4. Being a nanny is hearing the kid say he wants you to stay longer that night to play
5. Going to church is to learn to become a better friend with Jesus
6. Going to nursery is to see how amazing children are and to learn from them
7. Coming home at the end of an exhausting day is only bad if you have no one to share it with
8. Being married is tough. But the great times are great for a reason.
9. I can not be the perfect friend, daughter, cousin, grand daughter,
sister, inlaw, and wife. But I can try.
10. Reading the scriptures everyday is hard sometimes, but I
feel happiest when its the hardest and I do it anyway.
11. Going to the temple, reading scriptures, going to church etc may seem like the Sunday school answers to solve problems in life- but you know
what they will NEVER make a problem worse.
12. I have ALL FOUR grandparents alive, healthy, and involved in my life. I pray my kids are as lucky as I am.
13. My little brother is 12. He has an email address and cell phone. I love talking to him.
14. I want to learn new skills this year. Not sure what but I love the idea of learning new things. Maybe an instrument, spanish, new sport, sewing- who knows yet
15. We got AMAZING jobs in one of the biggest cities in the world and love the challenges of living here. We miss our friends in Utah, but we love the city!
16. I have never had as many blessings as I have in the past 6 months.
17. I have so many more things to learn and accomplish before we have kids. I love our little family in our little apartment in this BIG city.
18. William teaches me about the stock market and finance. I teach him about yoga. I don't think you always have to have the same interest as long as you are willing to listen.
19. I am enjoying getting to know myself. Seeing what makes me have emotions of happiness, heartache, sympathy, gladness, etc.
20. I love surprises and want to surprise people more
21. Teaching others gives me a strong sense of purpose
22. Eating at new restaurants and doing new activities in the city makes me happy
23. Here's to a new list of things I want to learn, accomplish, and progress. Setting goals and sharing them is the only way for me to achieve them with success.

Love you William for humoring my randomness.


hannahshirley said...

Hope you had a spectacular birthday!! Dalaney's never been to NYC, so, we're dying to visit!!

Catherine said...

Amanda i loved your list!I'm happy you had a great birthday and you are the best sister in-law ever:)

The Romney Family said...

Happy (rather belated) Birthday, Amanda! I'm pretty impressed that you can have that much going on in your mind all at once. Man, figuring out what to put on the table is about as deep as I can seem to get lately! Thanks for inspiring me to get it together and come up with goals for improving myself to be a better example to my family!

Esther Noelle said...

Love your list! Yoga huh? You guys seem perfect for New York. And nursery - ugh, what I would giVE to have you in our branch in our nursery!!!!