Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Signing Time with Bebo

Emma Perry and I just completed our first baby Signing Class with Gina Barton and Bebo (the baby signs bear). It was a great class for EP to be around other babies and for me to learn the signs that I want to start teaching her. So far we can wave hi and bye. Clap which indicates "more" at this point. I am so excited to keep teaching her more signs. I think that communication is one of the most important things that we can teach our children. Signing is a way to do that before they can speak and even after to help with clarification and to decrease frustration. 

Hudson is such a stud- Look at that concentration! 
We love you Bebo!! 

1 comment:

The Romney Family said...

So funny--Nathan and Gina's husband were in the Accounting program together at BYU. We love them! How fun that you got to do one of her classes. She is so great. And I am loving catching up on your blog--sounds like you guys have been keeping busy!!!