I am Pooh Love to Pawpaw and now he has his little number Two. (Don't ask about the nickname- We assume it had something to do with Pooh Bear when I was young, but no one really knows- Its amazing what just sticks.)
Aunt KK fought Mom and Mawmaw for time to hold her... As Jack said to me while I was pregnant- "You are so lucky to have a girl. All my Mama has is bad ole boys" She will have a girl soon enough. I'm pretty sure we infected her with baby fever.

Mawmaw couldn't wait to get baby in her rocking chair and sing to her. It was so fun to watch them interact with baby.

The Thomley's are also excited to have their first Great Granddaughter. But this little man is so pumped to be an Uncle at 14! He read to her and sang her songs- so sweet.
Four generations.
Mom has always been "Sister Belle" in her family so baby is going to call her "Belle"

Papaw claimed that baby was always trying to kiss him.

Caroline holding baby on our way to see Daddy is Dallas for the BYU game!!
I will add more pics as I get them- This was all I had on my camera.