Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mississippi Meets Emma Perry

I don't have many pics from the trip, but introducing baby to my fam in Mississippi was a lot of fun. Everyone thought she was just about as cute as we think she is and she really put on a show for most them... just smiling and making funny noises.

I am Pooh Love to Pawpaw and now he has his little number Two. (Don't ask about the nickname- We assume it had something to do with Pooh Bear when I was young, but no one really knows- Its amazing what just sticks.)

Aunt KK fought Mom and Mawmaw for time to hold her... As Jack said to me while I was pregnant- "You are so lucky to have a girl. All my Mama has is bad ole boys" She will have a girl soon enough. I'm pretty sure we infected her with baby fever.

Mawmaw couldn't wait to get baby in her rocking chair and sing to her. It was so fun to watch them interact with baby.

The Thomley's are also excited to have their first Great Granddaughter. But this little man is so pumped to be an Uncle at 14! He read to her and sang her songs- so sweet.

Four generations.

Mom has always been "Sister Belle" in her family so baby is going to call her "Belle"

Papaw claimed that baby was always trying to kiss him.

Caroline holding baby on our way to see Daddy is Dallas for the BYU game!!

I will add more pics as I get them- This was all I had on my camera.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Things are getting pretty scary around here..

I really dont want Emma Perry to get bigger. I just love her just the way she is right now. I mean seriously- Who else could look so darn cute?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Aly and Criz: You've Got Mail!

Aly and Criz came to visit and their main to do list items were to visit the scenes of "You've Got Mail" So we headed out to as many as we could squeeze in. This movie has been watched at least once a week through college life with these two- so it was extra fun to see them get so excited.

At Zabars trying out fun food. Aly loves fancy cheese and interesting grocery stores so this was right up her alley. haha. Alley.

Baby was such a great sport through the adventures.

I, of course, had to bring in a Seinfeld moment- Chocolate Babka vs Cinnamon Babka?

Cafe Lalo is where Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks are suppose to meet up for their date when they discover who the other really is...

Gray's Papaya- another classic YGM moment.

This is the front of the Shop around the corner- Its actually a cheese shop at the time of the shooting of the movie, but is now a cafe. We actually ran into other women who were doing the same thing that we were... Pretty funny.
The next day- I didn't have my camera- but we went to Meg Ryan's town house in the movie and Riverside Park where they meet at the end and realize they are in love.
"Don't you just love New York in the Fall?" with two BFFs? I do.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Meeting AB, Aunt Sara and Aunt Catherine

I should mention how fun it is to introduce baby to her family. Annabelle was so sweet to her and wanted to play peek a boo the whole time. Its going to be so fun to have her cousins near the same age.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sisters Visit!

Sara, Annabelle and Catherine came to visit for a couple of nights and started off with a bang their first night at a Coldplay concert at the Today show. They arrived at 3:30 am and waited until 8am for the show to begin. They said it was totally worth it- and who wouldn't want to see Coldplay live!

Al Roker.

The whole Today show crew!

I'm surprised Catherine is not attacking Matt in this pic

While they recovered from sleep deprivation- Annabella, Baby and I went to the park!

Loving some Dylan's Candy bar action

Our baby fits right into this scene at FAO Baby Nursery.

Rocking out on the FAO piano

Aunt Aly and Cara also joined the fun and Aly brought along this darling hat the Baby asked to wear today... and everyday since. :)

Gosh- I will never get over the Park in the fall.

William misbehaving on the carousal at the Park

Enjoying some Shake Shack together. Love that AB can handle her own burger.

So much fun to have the girls here!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Blaze

We headed to the Hudson Valley Blaze for some sweet fall action. Shanna talked me into leaving baby with her... it was our first time away from her, but bc she was with Shanna I felt ok about it. We needed an adult night out. When we got out to Hudson Valley we realized we were starving so we found a grocery store and got an enormous selection of fried chicken and chowed down in the parking lot- it was very country of us, but it was delicious.

Such a great night with a great group of friends. I should mention that after we left we all wanted ice cream- So we drove around until we found a McDonald's that was actually a part of a strip mall. It was rather funny at the time.. due to the unexpected driving directions and added for a good laugh at the end of a fun night. Thanks everyone for making the trek out there.
Now we have to get home to our baby!! And in two hours Will's sisters will be here- Its going to be a long long night.